$ ssh-keygen -t rsaをして.ssh以下に出来るid_rsa.pubをサーバーに転送します。
.ssh$ id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
$ ssh-keygen -t rsaをして.ssh以下に出来るid_rsa.pubをサーバーに転送します。
.ssh$ id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
# model class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :child accepts_nested_attributes_for :child end class Child < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :parent end # controller class ParentsController < ApplicationController #... def new @parent = Parent.new @parent.build_child # ここが大切だったようです。 end def edit @parent = Parent.find(param[:id]) @parent.build_child if @parent.child.nil? end end # view (in Haml, with formtastic, but you can do this with regular Rails helpers too) - semantic_form_for @parent do |f| - f.inputs do = f.input :name - f.semantic_fields_for :child do |c| - c.inputs do = c.input :some_child_field